Wednesday, April 12

Published 12 April by Admin with 0 comment

Using Tenfold Numbers in Mathematics and Physics

Nowadays, there are two system of units that people are usually used to; there are metric system and British system. Metric system is divided into two, they are CGS (centimeter, gram, and second) and MKS (meer, kilogram, and second). Example of British system of unit are pound, feet, and inch.

System International (SI) of unit  basically derived from metric system. Therefore, system international of unit are very easily converted (changed) from one unit to the others. The conversation are done by multiplication of tenfold numbers or ten or ten degree n (10n , with n is integer). For example, 1 km can be converted into 103 and 1 mm can be changed into 10-3 m.

To allow writing the unit using number that has many zeros. Both behind the number and zeros behind the coma, are written using ten that has degree. Number of ten is called multiplier factor. In SI, multiplier factor have their special names. 

For example : 
  • 2,000,000,000  = 2 x 109
  • 0.000003  = 3 x 10-6
According to the system international of unit multiplier factor are presented in table

FactorInitial NameAbbreviation
10-12 picop
10-9 nanon
10-6 microμ
10-3 milim
10-2 centic
10-1 decad
100 -_
101 decada
102 hectoh
103 kilok
106 megaM
10-3 9gigaG

Example of the use of multiplier factor :
1 micrometer  = 1 x 10-16 metre
5 gigabytes     = 5 x 109 bite
2 megahertz   = 2 x 106 hertz


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